Books & Writing
Clare is the author of two books, ‘A Matter of Trust – The Practice of Ethics in Finance’ (2018) and ‘One – Valuing the Single Life’ (2018) both published by Melbourne University Publishing and distributed by Penguin.
A Matter of Trust -
The Practice of Ethics
in Finance
From the marble trading floors of Wall Street to the dirt floor of a microfinance lender in rural Sumatra, finance touches everybody’s lives. From small personal loans to collateralised debt obligations, it promises solutions for a better, more prosperous future. But not much in life is guaranteed, and financial outcomes may not match consumer expectations. When trust between practitioners and their clients is undermined it threatens the very fabric of our financial system. The result can be personal disappointment, but the financial crisis of 2007-08 highlighted how we can all be affected when economies are jeopardised by financial mismanagement.
A Matter of Trust explores how the finance sector can stand as a true profession and provides a practical guide to make everyday business decisions in an ethically sound way.
One - Valuing the single life
A scan of our leaders, popular media and political policies would have you believe that married with children is still the norm, but it isn’t. The reality is that more adults are living alone than ever before. These single people are forging new ways of living good lives. They are healthy, contented and connected but they remain subject to discrimination and bias rooted in historical ideas about the value of a life. One is not about self-love or anti-marriage, instead it gives an insight to the once maligned and now increasingly chosen status of being single. One provides politicians, business leaders and individuals with a new perspective, challenging us to re-think the value of a life, asking to finally put to rest outdated ideas about what the single life means and calls on us to recognise the worth and standing of every individual.
The reality is we are all potentially only one moment away from being single.